Ask Frank ‘the Crank’

Big Rig has been a ‘work horse’ earning game since its introduction. Big Haul is the previous model. Both are good games to have near the redemption prize center due to their small footprint and low height. These games have several moving parts that need to be calibrated properly. Below are a few service tips to keep these games working in top condition.

  • The older, green-colored dual stepper boards that run the crane swing motors are long discontinued. For the older machines that were equipped with those, a wiring conversion kit is available so you may use the newer, smaller blue stepper board. The part number of the kit is 021K1T001.

  • On a few of the Big Rigs that we worked on, we observed that once we replaced the burnt out halogen spotlights, the machine started acting up. The displays were flickering and the ramps were stopping and starting again and again. Then, as soon as one of the halogen lights was unpluged, the machine started working normally. This is an indication that the power supply can no longer sustain its rated load. The most clear-cut solution is to replace the power supply, an over $100 option. A 2nd option is to install a separate, cheap 12 volt power supply exclusively for the halogens. A 3rd option is to replace the halogens with lower wattage LED spotlights in order to reduce the load to the game power supply. We recently purchased 3 watt LED’s (spec MR16 3w 12V warm white 300K) for $3 each. These LED’s emit almost as bright a light as the 10 watt halogens. We let it run continuously for a few days with no problem. All of our Big Rigs and Big Hauls are operating perfectly now for the past 3 months and looking good.

  • On another Big Rig, we noticed the ramps going out of sync with each other. Sometimes, the left one was going past its normal limit and the other hitting the side glass trying to move farther. The first step was to swap the ramp motor stepper boards. This did not change the malfunctions of either ramp. We swapped boards, motors and power supply and nothing made any difference. It would seem we were out of options. Out of desperation, one of our technicians took out his spray can of contact cleaner and sprayed the inside of those tiny pins of the connector that plugs in to the stepper board. Almost miraculously, the ramps started swinging back and forth normally. We left it plugged in several hours and the ramps were still working perfectly. How would a chemical spray fix a seemingly mechanical issue? The explanation is: This particular game had been sitting in our warehouse for months with the stepper board missing (the board that drives the motors). The tiny pins of the connector plug had been exposed to the elements for months, developing some minor corrosion on the pins contact surface. The corrosion caused enough contact resistance to disrupt the low voltage signals transfer to the board. …….Lesson learned: Never underestimate what a simple spray of contact cleaner can do.

Operating Tip: If you have both a Big Rig and a Big Haul both games will make maximum revenues if the Big Haul ticket payout % is 5% greater than that of Big Rig. We set our Big Hauls at 30% and Big Rig’s at 25%. The difference keeps the playing fields level between the two games to make up the difference between the older Big Haul and the newer Big Rig.

2 Minute Drill – Target Motor Overhaul (Dave Forlano, Alpha Technician)

Symptom: Frequent target sensor and motor errors.
Solution: For less than $ 25.00 per game (as long as motors are good) – you can put to rest this service headache!

ICE PART # FB 3011 magnetic housing guard @ $3.50 each (4 per game needed)

ICE PART # FB 4009 friction pad @ $ 2.00 each (4 per game needed)

It should take less than an hour to do all 4 motors, and all you need is an allen wrench, a socket set and a screwdriver.

  • First power down your unit. Then remove lower target cover allen screws on each side. Then “loosen” upper target cover allen screws (no need to remove them as the target cover assembly hangs on them via a cutout in the assemby’s frame.
  • Next pull target cover away from targets (no need to disconnect display harness and associated connectors as there is enough play in the harnesses to just lay it down next to the conveyor belt.
  • Unplug motor connectors, and remove the 4 bolts holding motor assemblies. You can then pull the motors away and still access the sensor plug to disconnect it. You are halfway done.
  • Back in the shop…Remove Pillow block bearing bolts and slide the magnetic assembly apart. Remove the shaft bolt. Now you will have the magnetic assembly in 2 pieces.

NOTE: THOROUGHLY CLEAN / DEGREASE ALL PARTS, especially the magnet assembly, so when you stick the friction pad to the mag assembly it will not slip.

TECH TIP: Do not over tighten pillow block bearings when reassembling.

Now you are ready to mount the refurbished motor units, but first connect the sensor plug prior to mounting the unit back to its frame.

TECH TIP: Do not mount target cover / display units yet!

  • Power up and assure targets are cycling front and back freely. If they are not you may have to loosen pillow block bearings slightly.
  • Power down, then “hang” the target covers – Power up and before you have cleaned up and regrouped, the target sensor and motor errors will be corrected and your 2 Minute Drill can continue to earn.

Team Play


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