Party Center Software – Online Waiver Center 

Party Center Software is set to release their ‘Online Waiver Center’ module this month at IAAPA. This new feature will provide FECs with the ability to have their customers sign liability waivers online and store any signed waivers with easy access for future use by the FEC staff. The electronic waivers will save both time and space and they can also be sent via email along with birthday party invitations. That way guests can fill out the waiver ‘before’ they ever step foot in the facility.

In addition, Party Center Software is completely redesigning the customer-facing online booking site, which will allow customers to have a quick and easy booking process on any device with any screen resolution. To learn more about the software and the upcoming features, visit or call Danny Gruerning direct at 888.804.1166 x15.



GameAlert Ready to Roll Out! – [40 games + 2 Changer Modules for $10,200]

GameAlert is an inexpensive business information tracking system for Family Entertainment Centers, offering managers and game route operators real-time data without losing the FUN value of the tokens and tickets kids and adults know and love. GameAlert is about real-time knowledge. It lets you know at any minute of the day how your business is doing, which games are being played and where any problems are. It even alerts you by email if there is a suspected token or ticket jam or a game is running low on tickets or a bill changer has a stuck bill or is running low on tokens.

Speaking of problems, cash control is always on an Entertainment Center owners mind. Last week I was at a location and watched a mom walk up to the counter and hand a manager $5 to buy tokens. The manager set the $5 bill on the counter behind him, grabbed a coffee can full of tokens, counted out 20, then handed them to the mom. Transaction complete, good customer service right. Now that $5 bill, that’s another story. Hard to say what happened to it. Didn’t see the sale rung up on the register, the bill sat on the counter for a while, and then it was gone. Probably put into the bank deposit envelope, but hard to say.

So how do you really know where your cash is? Treat tokens like money. Keep them locked up and only sell them from bill changers. GameAlert monitors and reports all tokens sold by bill changers, and, the coins played in games. Then it calculates and reports the difference. If more tokens are played than sold, there’s a problem and it’s time to take a closer look at when and why. With GameAlert there’s finally a tool to tell where the money goes.

There’s More!

GameAlert is designed with Promotional Marketing in mind and features built-in analytics to measure campaign effectiveness. Let’s say you want to attract stay-at-home Moms and their young children on weekday afternoons by running an ad offering a mid-day discount token special. Using GameAlert’s Promotion Manager, simply select the days of the week, length of the campaign and the promotional prices. For example, choose to dispense 25 tokens for $5 and 55 tokens for $10 from Mon through Fri between 1:15 and 3:00pm. GameAlert’s changer integration automatically adjusts all token prices on the right day and time, returning them back to normal once the campaign is over. No need to individually program and then re-program each changer. After the campaign ends, run the Sales Comparison Report and check week over week sales, or run a Game Performance by Time of Day Report to see which games are getting more play. GameAlert’s easy to read graphs show hour to hour game play by game category and how much impact the ad and promotion created. Use the promotion and measuring features to increase revenue during specific days and times of day.

GameAlert is ready for sale after being fully tested at 5 different FECs ranging from 20 games to over 100 games. The goal was to keep the cost down and this has been accomplished. Here are the costs for different size game centers:

20 Games with 2 Changer Modules          $  7,200.
30 Games with 2 Changer Modules          $  7,950.
40 Games with 2 Changer Modules          $10,200.
50 Games with 4 Changer Modules          $14,000.
60 Games with 4 Changer Modules          $15,500.

Monthly monitoring and alert monitoring fee ranges from $220-$300 depending on the actual number of games and bill changers.

For information, visit or contact Alpha Omega Sales at 732-254-3773 directly or click on GameAlert ad.
