Party Center Software is Being Installed in All 15 Main Event Facilities

Here’s the Ticket!

Party Center Software, celebrating its 16th anniversary, is a reasonably priced software program that schedules and manages birthday parties and group events. It has built-in reporting features including customer database, revenue reporting, marketing tools, invoicing, waivers, checklists to monitor event progress, employee activity tracking, and-the big one, ‘on-line booking’. It is very easy to work with and you quickly learn how to build your own custom parties. Many of AEM’s clients use Party Center Software and are glad they got involved upon opening.

What this could mean. The big chains have realized that they need to book more parties and events, streamline the process and eliminate the huge amount of wasted labor. In many areas of the U.S. more than 50% of parties and group events are being booked on-line. In some FEC’s I have seen 70% of parties booked on-line. Party Center Software makes this process easy for moms and dads to do.

Competition among FEC’s and other leisure out-of-home competitors is reaching an all-time high and escalating. It is critical that if you don’t have Party Center Software, you need to at least take a look at it and discover how it can help you meet the competition head on or at least compete on a level playfield.

For more information click on the Party Center Software ad or visit

Alpha-Omega Launches a NEW Game Revenue Increase Program (GRIP)

Here’s the Ticket!

Alpha-Omega Amusements and AEM have been maximizing game revenues consistently for the past 45 years within our own revenue-share operations and for our consulting clients. (We have the highest revenue/game average in the U.S.) Now we can do this for you!

We know the challenges that face every FEC game operation to maximize profits. Know which games to trade-in, which ones to buy, and how to preserve the asset value of your portfolio. Get a GRIP to help you overcome these challenges!

The Alpha/AEM Team can manage your games like a financial expert manages your portfolio for a great return. For a small percentage fee, you get a team of hands-on-experts to assist you with the daily technical aspects of your operation, the weekly collections review, and ongoing marketing programs and operational issues. We can even help make your technicians’ jobs easier and more rewarding by assisting them directly with just a phone call to our experts. By anticipating issues that affect game revenue and implementing programs to lessen their impact, you can maximize your game profits.

Click this link to learn more about the services and how to ‘Get a GRIP’