
‘The life of Mike, the game technician at Fun For All, is now a complete disaster. Last evening his wife, Susan, informed him she was leaving him and wanted a divorce. She just couldn’t put up with Mike’s negativity and his constant complaining about his job and his boss.

Mike is a great technician with 8 years of experience and loves to repair games and find ways to keep them operating smoothly. He takes care of 60 games and loads tickets and unjams tokens, tickets, and bills a lot these days. His job on a weekly basis also includes collecting and counting the tokens from each game and recording coin and ticket meters, as well as taking meters on the token dispensing changers, ticket centers, and loading and inventorying the merchandise dispensing games. Mike dislikes doing all of this paperwork but he does his best even though he knows his handwriting is not that clear. He often makes guesses when reading the small and dirty digits on the mechanical meters. Even with a flashlight, 3’s look like 5’s or 8’s and vice-versa. Often 1’s look like 7’s. Sometimes Mike even leaves off a digit or finds a couple of meters that have broken at some time during the week or a couple that have the same readings as the previous week. Now he has to spend more time installing new meters. Before he turns in his paperwork he changes some of the numbers that are obvious mistakes.’

Click HERE to read about a troubled and stressed game technician and how GameAlert helped him turn things around.

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