Top Redemption & Merchandising Games – TRR #28

Top Redemption & Merchandising Games – TRR #28

Here’s the Ticket!

The Top 60 Redemption & Merchandiser Combined List is put together from actual collections from games owned and operated by Alpha-Omega Amusements at two locations so I know that the data is correct and is not changed in any way. The purpose of the List is for you to see where your current games place or rank and see where other games that you do not have would rank in your facility. And also to pick out trends and stay on top of your game.
New Test Games Included in the Rankings and Those That Jutt Arrived:
Kung Fu Panda – Gear It Up- Gold Fishing – Ocean Pearl – Black Hole – Full Tilt

  • Ocean Pearl (JET) was set up on 2-24-15 at $2/play and placed 15th during its first week.
  • Black Hole (Coastal) was set up on 2-11-15 at $1/play and placed 12th during its first week
  • Full Tilt (Bay-Tek) was st up on 2-25-15 and TRR went to press before any revenue info was in.

Trend Analysis of Top 60 Redemption & Merchandise Combined

The Jan-Feb 2015 the data shows the Top 10 games are earning 40% of the revenues of the 81 games and the Top 11-Top 20 games are earning 17% of the total revenues. That means that 25% of the games are earning 57% of the revenues! It is agreed that much of this has to do with 16 of the Top 20 games having a higher price/play ($2 and $1) and higher ticket and jackpot awards. However, it does not explain why players continue to be more attracted to the industry’s top workhorse games (including merchandisers with ‘actual tickets’ as prizes) even when several new games are added to the mix.

Note that the only new game to break into the Top 10 is Fishbowl Frenzy (a very special game that over the past several months of testing is now considered a top workhorse game) with Kung Fu Panda and Gold Fishing getting into the #11–#20 rankings.

Also note that the Knock It Rotary with Tickets has for the first time slightly nudged ahead of both of the Big Bass Wheel’s. And this is with having one of the four player positions not working for one of the weeks. The Alpha/AEM technical staff has had the most fun working with this old game to get the hit frequency, payout %, and ticket bundle packages correct.

Kung Fu Panda (ICE) -This new game was set up on 12-17-14 on $2/play. It ranks #12 overall and #9 in redemption, a very good showing for a new game. The ticket payout % was right on target for every week of the period at between 28%-30%. After the initial test period is over, I am recommending that the price/play be dropped to $1/play and see if revenues increase.

Gold Fishing (ICE) – was set up on 2-4-15 on $2/play. It ranked #17 overall and #11 in redemption with a ticket payout % of 21%.  Our team will be attempting to increase the ticket payout to get up to 30%.  I checked WE 2-24 just before going to press and Gold Fishing ranked #11 overall, so for Mar-Apr I expect this game to improve its position.  
Ticket Candy Crane is still a phenomenon earning combined ranking of #9 overall & a merchandiser ranking of #3. As reported in the previous TRR #22, #23, #25, & #27, this simple merchandiser with a very high hit frequency and very low maximum prize value of $1.13 proves that players can be attracted to small size cabinet low tech games. The Ticket Candy Crane has seen some of its revenues decline as the Knock It Off entered the competition. This is to be expected.

Knock It Off Rotary 4 Pl (Elaut)  – at 50 cents/play has moved up to the #3 combined ranking and continues to hold the #1 merchandiser ranking by a wide margin. It hit an all-time high of $5398 during the 1st week of January 2015. As you can see, the players are getting better as the ticket payout % over a four week period has increased steadily from 27% to 35%.  Our team will be working on the best way to make it slightly more challenging. This is a game where four players can play as a team, increasing the chances of one of them winning. It does, however, take a lot of practice!

Fishbowl Frenzy (Team Play) – We had been testing the prototype Fishbowl Frenzy in secret for several months upon Team Play’s and Betson’s request and this game often ranked in the Top 10 even with changes being made on the fly from week to week. For Jan-Feb Fishbowl Frenzy ranked #6 overall and #5 in redemption with a ticket payout of ranging from 22%-30%. Our company has placed Fishbowl Frenzy in several other locations, and it has ranked #1 in those that did not have a Wizard of Oz. Fishbowl Frenzy is TRR’s Pick for the Top Game to have among all of the new games.

Ask Frank ‘the Crank’ Seninsky

Ask Frank ‘the Crank’ Seninsky

Here’s the Ticket!

Deltronic Labs Ticket Eaters and Ticket Centers – TT2000 – An Easy Fix to a Common Problem

(Dave Lohr, Regional Manager, Alpha-Omega Amusements)

We operate many TT2000 ticket eaters and they get a lot of use. Every time there is a ticket jam (or something other than tickets are fed in), there is additional wear and tear on the harness that goes to the bar code reader board. The most common symptom is that the ticket eater will eat the tickets, but not count them properly and then not count them at all.

The simple solution is to replace the harness when a ticket counting problem is discovered. At every location we keep a couple of harnesses in stock as spares. The cost is only $7.35 each and our part number is PDEL-CABL-BARCOD. We place a 4 letter code in front of the manufacturer’s part number to keep things simple. It is very important to keep the ticket eaters in operation and replacing a worn harness is so much easier than trying to repair it on-site, especially during a busy Saturday or holiday.

What is a Game Technician’s Most Important Tool? (Paul Sawinski, Alpha-Omega Amusements Manager)

Paul Sawinski has surveyed his technical crew and reports that the most useful tool is a small flat tip screw driver. All of the technicians and managers keep one in the top pocket of our company shirts. It is used multiple times during every shift to keep the games area running smoothly:

  • For removing debit cards that get jammed in the kiosks
  • For removing ticket jams in the ticket eaters
  • For removing tickets that jam in ticket dispensers
  • For unjamming tokens from token chutes
  • For adjusting switch arms
  • And lastly for tightening small flat head screws (what it was designed for)

What tools and parts do you recommend that a game room technician should carry in a small tool pouch?

Here is a list that all of the Alpha-Omega Amusements Technicians are encouraged to have:


  • Tamper proof torx bit set
  • Set of Allen wrenches, metric & standard
  • Nut driver set
  • Phillips screwdrivers, #1 & #2
  • Flat blade screwdrivers
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Slip joint pliers
  • Diagonal wire cutter
  • Wire stripper
  • Portasol cordless soldering iron
  • Spool of solder
  • Electrical tape
  • Small assortment of screws, bolts and nuts
  • Leatherman multiple belt tool
  • Small assortment of heat shrink tubings
  • Multimeter
  • Small knife
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure
  • De-soldering tool
  • Small assortment of wires
  • Alligator clips
  • Crescent adjustable wrench

Another Example Why Loc-Tite is Imporrtant (Jon Wilkinson, Alpha-Omega Amusements Technician)

We have 2 Down the Clown games and each game has 3 motors that raise the targets after they are dropped. Every motor has had the mounting screws either fall out or frequently become very loose. It is very time consuming to keep tightening them at least on a weekly basis. We must have missed a week and this resulted in us having to replace one of the ball gate linkages because it was torn up when a motor was flopping about. Four months ago I put a generous portion of Loc-Tite onto every motor screw that was loose or replaced at that time. I recently checked the motors and all of the screws are still tightly in place and there have been no service calls regarding this issue.

How to Easily Change a Bad Shaft Gear (Black Cog) on a Crane (Steve Camarota, Alpha-Omega Technician)

We all have cranes on location. There comes a time when we need to change a shaft gear, or the correct description, black cog. Here is a quick way to change one gear with only 4 tools on hand:

  • The most important tool required is a Mini Puller. It is used to quickly and easily remove stubborn gears, bearings, pulleys and other press-fit items.
  • You will need one Allen wrench size 5/64 to remove the set screw.
  • Mallet. A tool resembling a hammer, but with a large head. When using Mallet, tap softly on socket that is placed over the gear until the new gear reaches the rough section on propeller shaft and motor shaft pinion. Don’t forget to insert and tighten-up the set screw on the new gear. I always apply some white grease on motor shaft pinion.

Wiring a Card Swipe Reader to a Barron Game (Ramon Vivar, Senior Technician, Alpha-Omega Amusements)

Kiddie rides and other games manufactured by Barron Games have a unique kind of electronic circuitry for the way the crediting is performed. Practically all the games we use credit up by shorting the credit line to ground momentarily. Technically, the game board is looking for a pulse transitioning from “high” to “low”. This is easily performed by a coin switch; the “Common” terminal connected to ground and the “Normally Open” terminal connected to the credit line. Each debit card swipe system does it the same way; an internal relay contact closes when you swipe the card and that does the job.

With the Barron Kiddie Ride however, the credit line is connected to the Normally Closed side of the coin switch and credit is given when the switch opens. So it is the reverse process of transitioning from “low” to “high”. If you try to credit up the traditional way (using Normally Open), the machine will credit up and play but the game will keep playing non-stop until you physically turn off the machine.

This presents a challenge to a card swipe system installer, especially with Embed. On Embed, you have to solder an additional wire internally to pin 31 of the 40-pin connector of the controller and then use the end of that wire to connect to the credit line of the machine. A 10k ohm pull up resistor needs to be connected to that same line with the other end connected to the 12 volt supply.

So far, this is the only US marketed machine that I know of that needs this modification. However, during my recent trip to Vietnam, I encountered one more Chinese made Kiddie Basketball game that required the same modification. It is quite predictable that we will come across other games that are credited up from ‘low’ to ‘high’ so we should be aware.

Top Redemption & Merchandising Games – TRR #28

Eye Tracking is Taking a Look at Video Games

Here’s the Ticket!

I am happy to see the way the general public is attracted to Fishbowl Frenzy, which is the first video-redemption game to use augmented reality technology. Its 65” transmissive LCD screen creates the realistic 3D computer-generated animated fish that ‘appear’ to be swimming inside ‘real’ fishbowls. New technology is our best friend and not the enemy. Below are some new products and new technologies that caught my attention these past two months:

Eye Tracking is Taking a Look at Video Games
Tobii Tech, a Swedish company specializing in eye-tracking technology, has again set its sights on video games. In 2012 Tobii did a test using Asteroids to see if the early version of the technology worked. The company’s vision is to make it natural and intuitive for players use their eye movements to affect different aspects of game play and license this technology to game manufacturers. Currently it is working with a consumer game company.

What this could mean? The natural integration of eye-tracking into video games is just the beginning of creating a totally immersive 3-D environment. A person’s eyes can combine to have thousands of different movement combinations in a fraction of a second. Just imagine how a quarterback is taught to look right, pause, and then throw left. Head fakes and deceiving eye movements are important skills taught in many sports, baseball, basketball, soccer, football, tennis, to name a few. Even the closing of one eye gives a different and shifted view of an object. Out of view objects can be gleamed from the corner of one eye. Looking away or closing both eyes could be used as a tactic to draw in an opponent. Staring down an opponent is another tactic. The possibilities are endless.

And this technology can also be applied to video-redemption games. For example, a player could use strategic eye movements to skillfully accomplish a challenge and score additional points. It gives the player an additional degree of ‘skill control’ that has to date not existed.

My hope is that several game manufacturers will take a look at eye-tracking technology and we will soon see it introduced to our industry.




Based on recommendations from past attendees, Foundations Entertainment University has been lengthened from 2.5 days to 3-days and breakout sessions are being added covering a number of new topics including:

  • Development of small centers costing less then $1.0 Million
  • Negotiating the lease or real estate purchase
  • Social media
  • Recruiting, screening and hiring management staff
  • Round table session for small and medium size centers

“I could attend Foundations every year and learn things that will take my business to the next level. Do yourself a favor and bring leading staff to this event.” – Bradley Alt, Equinox Laser Tag, El Cajon, CA

The Chicago Foundations July 14-16 is sure to be a sell out, so don’t miss out. Registration is now live on the Foundations Entertainment University website.

Top Redemption & Merchandising Games – TRR #28

AEM Introduces 3 New Service Programs for New & Existing FEC’s

Here’s the Ticket!

Amusement Entertainment Management is now offering three new service programs that focus on specific needs for new comers and existing FEC’s. All 3 programs include multiple hourly conference calls, on-going back and forth email communications, and weekly or monthly assignments.

Coaching/Mentoring – 3 Month Program to help put new smaller projects put the pieces together to move forward and open a profitable right-sized FEC on a limited budget. One hour conference calls are scheduled for each of the 12 weeks with weekly specific assignments for Client and Coach. Client questions are debated with Coach offering both positive and negative issues so Client can learn to approach every aspect from several different angles and make an educated decision.

GRIP Game Revenue Increase Program – For existing FEC’s that want to only focus on increasing their game revenues and how to operate the games more efficiently. Details of this 12 month program can be viewed by clicking here and include daily interaction with game technicians and weekly analysis of AEM formatted game collection reports.

TRIP – Total Revenue Increase Program – For existing FEC’s that desire to increase total facility revenues and cut costs across the board. This is a 12 month program and includes 5 key measurement areas: revenue generation, operation programming, expense allocation and containment, maintenance/reinvestment budgets, and game revenue increase program.

For more information about each of these AEM programs, email Frank Seninsky directly at [email protected].

There are limited openings available on Frank’s schedule – so email today!