Here’s the Ticket!

Amusement Entertainment Management is now offering three new service programs that focus on specific needs for new comers and existing FEC’s. All 3 programs include multiple hourly conference calls, on-going back and forth email communications, and weekly or monthly assignments.

Coaching/Mentoring – 3 Month Program to help new smaller projects put the pieces together to move forward and open a profitable right-sized FEC on a limited budget. One hour conference calls are scheduled for each of the 8 weeks with weekly specific assignments for Client and Coach. Client questions are debated with Coach offering both positive and negative issues so Client can learn to approach every aspect from several different angles and make educated decisions.

GRIPGame Revenue Increase Program – For existing FEC’s that want to focus on increasing their game revenues and how to operate the games more efficiently. Details of this 12 month program can be viewed by clicking here and include daily interaction with game technicians and weekly analysis of AEM formatted game collection reports.

TRIP – Total Revenue Increase Program – For existing FEC’s that desire to increase total facility revenues and cut costs across the board. This is a 12 month program and includes 5 key measurement areas: revenue generation, operational programming, expense allocation and containment, maintenance/reinvestment budgets, and game revenue increase program.

For more information about each of these AEM programs, email Frank Seninsky directly at [email protected].

There are limited openings available on Frank’s schedule – so email today!