Here’s the Ticket

As games are getting larger and purchase costs are also increasing, operators are under a lot of pressure to increase price per play. My company, Alpha-Omega Amusements, recently set up a 90 piece FEC and there were long discussions about how to price each game. Originally there were 1 game at $3/play, 2 games set on $2/play, 15 set at $1/play, 5 at 75 cents/play, and the rest at 50 cents/play with only a few games set at 25 cents/play. What we were concerned about was having too many high priced games and the guests would spend their money too quickly and not have a great experience.

We decided to offer more games at 25 cents/play and offer more discount packages and free bonus game plays to add more value which extends the time of stay. When all of the discounts are added together (including VIP’s receiving 10% off and 5 free game plays for each visit) a 15% average discount will apply. At our other locations the total discounts are not as high. In a couple of weeks we will see how this all works out and if this will be the new normal.