In this issue of TRR-FEC, we decided to include a few tips relating to ticket and ticketless operation:

Reduce Ticket Eater and Ticket Center Ticket Jams
(Dave Forlano, Alpha-Omega Tech)
To prevent ticket eater jams from happening often, I do a ‘blow-spin-tighten’ pass twice per shift on a busy day. Open the ticket eater door, remove the counter board from on top the blade and blow the dust off of the sensors. Then spin the blade mechanism to free up any leftover tickets or partial tickets. Finally, put the counter board back in place and tighten the two red screws, as they tend to loosen over time. This will help your ticket eaters stay ticket hungry for happier customers.
Tickets Not Feeding Out or Reporting Correctly–Embed System
(Ramon Vivar, Sr. Tech & Steve Camarota, Alpha-Omega Tech)

When you hook up the Embed v5 system to a redemption game, every now and then, you will come across a machine that stops dispensing tickets after the system is installed. When that happens, first step is to go to the “Installer Mode” of the Embed controller and change the “Game Drive Thresh. Voltage” from a default value of 3.5 V to a lower value, of 3.0 volts. If that doesn’t do it, keep on lowering the voltage in 0.5 V increments until you get the dispenser to payout.

If that still doesn’t do it, last resort is to do it the old fashioned way. Disconnect the Embed ticket harness from the ticket dispenser connection, so the dispenser will now be connected directly to the game as it was originally. Crimp a T-tap to the blue wire line of the ticket dispenser. Then, cut the other blue wire in the now unplugged Embed ticket harness, crimp a male connector to the end, and tap it to the blue wire of the ticket dispenser. 

How to Speed Up the Ticket Payout for Embed Ticketless Locations
If you have made the decision to go ticketless, there is no reason to have a customer wait for a large amount of ticketless points to be awarded. Embed has already programmed in a simple solution to Speed Up the process. The controller setting that you change is Game TKT Notch Spacing (x10ms). The default value is 24. If you change the value to 12 you will double the ticket payout speed. Change it to 6 and you will triple it. Note that some older games cannot handle higher ticket speeds.

The reason behind speeding up the ticket payout is because bonuses and jackpots have become so high (Big Bass Wheel 5,000 points when 2 are linked with jackpot), that anything over a 2,000 ticket jackpot causes the Embed controller to time out…hence not actually giving the player all the tickets. By speeding up the payout on the controller, a customer 1) does not have to wait over ten minutes for the reader to stop counting tickets and 2) they won’t be cheated because of the controller timing out.

Service Update for ICE Milk Jug Toss.
Ball Dispensing Problems.  ICE reports that it has a software change that fixes the ball dispensing malfunctions.  ICE recommends that all existing Milk Jug games should obtain this new software. For more information, contact an ICE distributor or the factory service department at 716/759-0360 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.